Welcome to My World

Hi! I'm Milad Vadoodparast, or you can call me Milad Vadood for short.

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What are we? A name, a collection of our interests? Our trace on the world? A sum of our experiences? A product of our genetics and environment? I don't know the answer to that but here's a bit about me.

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Softwre Engineering

I enjoy building things in the software space—that's how I make a living. I focus on solving problems and making an impact, not chasing the latest tech trends. After over a decade of working globally, I can get the job done with any tech stack. Of course, I have my strengths and weaknesses, but I'm always learning and improving.

Virtues often compete with one another. I value a range of personality traits, but in work settings, I hold the highest respect for competence and the ability to do team work above all else.

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Learning and Sharing

I’m passionate about machine learning, graphs, and sociology. Over the past decade, my research and work have spanned these areas, and you can explore some of my projects here.

I also enjoy teaching and sharing knowledge. You can find more about my academic publications and the topics I teach here.

Podcasts I Enjoy

Here's a few podcasts that I listen to more frequently:

Staying Active

I stay active with gym sessions, climbing, Yoga, and squash. Growing up, I was too nerdy for sports—making up for it now.

Other Interests

I enjoy reading about politics, religion, philosophy, sociology, and psychology. With my complicated Middle Eastern background, I’m deeply interested in the region’s history, art, and culture. Staying connected to my roots keeps me grounded.

Over the years, various thinkers have shaped my perspective. In my teens, I was influenced by intellectuals with strong religious foundations, later shifting to those with a more secular outlook. Reading Freud , Bertrand Russell, and Dawkins transformed my worldview. I value open-mindedness and respect those who embrace new ideas and adapt when faced with evidence.

Recently, I’ve grown to admire thinkers like Sam Harris and Jonathan Haidt, with Sam sparking my interest in meditation and Eastern philosophy.

Going through this journey has helped me better understand how different cultures evolve, interact, and influence each other. This has allowed me to view my cultural heritage with less dogma or, conversely, disdain.

Milad Vadood